Openssl Pem To Jks

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  1. Keytool Pem To Jks
  2. Convert Pem To Jks Windows
  3. Convert Pem To Jks Using Keytool
  4. Create Jks From Pem
  5. Openssl Pem To Jks
  6. Openssl Convert Pem To Jks

If you need to create an integration that consumes external REST APIs hosted on a two-way, SSL-enabled server, you must create the keystore file required for establishing an Oracle Integration identity to facilitate a two-way, SSL-based integration. Ensure that the server on which the external REST APIs are hosted is enabled for two-way SSL support. Use Java version 1.8 or higher.

Keytool Pem To Jks

Openssl Pem To Jks

Convert Pem To Jks Windows

Openssl x509 -inform der -in pathtoDERcertificate-out pathtoPEMcertificate Convert a.pfx file to a JKS store. To convert the PEM-format keys to Java KeyStores: Convert the certificate from PEM to PKCS12, using the following command: openssl pkcs12 -export -out eneCert.pkcs12 -in eneCert.pem. You may ignore the warning message this command issues. Enter and repeat the export password.

You can obtain the client certificate in a variety of ways. Select the method that is best for your environment. For example, you can obtain the certificate directly from many certificate authorities. The steps in this section describe how to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and have it signed by a well known certificate authority.


Inbound (trigger-based) two-way SSL is not supported.

Commonly Used Terms and Tools

Secure socket layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)SSL and TLS, its successor, are protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers.
Digital certificateA data file that holds the cryptographic key provided to an organization or entity by a trusted authority. A simple analogy is a driver's license. The license uniquely identifies the person to whom it is issued. The license is issued by the DMV, a trusted authority.
CertificateA public key and private key form a pair used to encrypt and decrypt data. Public keys can be freely given to anyone who needs to securely exchange data. Private keys must never be shared and must be stored securely. If private keys are listed or compromised, the issuing certificate authority must be notified so they can be added to the certificate revocation list.
Certificate authority (or certification authority)An entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.
Certificate encoding/formats
  • Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): The full specification of PEM is in RFC 7468. PEM is the most commonly-used X509 certificate format. It's a base64-encoded string enclosed between:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER): Binary Format. Cannot be viewed in an editor.
  • Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS): These are a group of public key cryptography standards devised and published by RSA Security LLC. See
TrustStoreA password-protected repository for trust or public certificates. The default location in Java is $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. All well known certificate authority root and intermediate certificates are available in the JDK truststore.
KeystoreA password-protected repository to hold client or private certificates. Since this store holds private keys, it is imperative that the store resides in a secure location.
Certificate chainA certificate chain is an ordered list of certificates ending with the root certificate. For trust to be established, the entire certificate chain is traversed. Each certificate is validated by finding the public key of the next issuing certificate authority or intermediate certificate authority, until the root certificate is reached. Certificate chains are usually cached to validate the certificate locally.
The two most commonly used tools for SSL are the following:
keytoolA JDK utility used to perform CRUD operations on a truststore and keystore and to administer certificates. All the commands require the password that was used to create the store. Consult your Java truststore documentation for the default password.
opensslThis is a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library.

Commands to Create a Client Certificate with the keytool Utility

Commonly used keytool
commands are as follows.


Replace the italicized variables in the commands below with values appropriate to your environment.
Openssl convert pem to jks
List the entire contents of the storekeytool -list -keystore path_to_the_keystore
List the contents in the store for a specific aliaskeytool -list -keystore path_to_the_keystore -alias alias_name
View the contents of a certificatekeytool -printcert -v -file name_of_the_file
Export a certificate from the storekeytool -export -alias alias_name -file certificate_name -keystore path_to_the_store
Import a new certificate into the storekeytool -import -trustcacerts -file path_to_the_certificate -alias alias_name -keystore path_to_the_store

To create a client certificate:


Italicized variables indicate placeholder variables for which you must supply particular values. If you copy the commands below, ensure that you replace the variables shown in italics with values appropriate to your environment.
  1. Go to the Java bin directory.
  2. Enter the following command to create a JKS keystore to hold the certificates.
  3. When prompted, change the values provided based on your company's security policy.
  4. Verify the existence of the JKS keystore file.
  5. Create a certificate that is ready to be signed.
  6. List the JKS keystore and certificate files in the directory.
  7. Validate your CSR file at the following site.
  8. Provide the .csr certificate file to a signing authority. A signed certificate and any root and intermediate certificates are signed and returned by the authority. A self-signed certificate can be used for testing, but is not allowed in a production environment.
  9. If you have root and intermediate certificates, perform the following substeps. Otherwise, go to Step 10.
    1. If you have a root certificate, enter the following command to import the signed root certificate.

      The following example is what you see when importing the DigiCert root certificate.

    2. If you have an intermediate certificate, enter the following command to import the signed intermediate certificate.
  10. If you have only a single certificate, enter the following command to import the signed certificate.
  11. Check if all the certificates are in the store.
  12. Export the public certifcate.
  13. Export the public certificate to provide to the server.
  14. Import the new keystore into Oracle Integration as an X509 identity certificate.
  15. List the entire contents of the store.

Example: Create a Client Certificate with the keytool Utility

This section provides an example of how to create a client certificate. It uses actual file names. Replace those names with values appropriate to your environment.

  1. Enter the following command to create a JKS keystore to hold the certificates.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
  2. When prompted, change the values provided based on your company's security policy.
  3. Verify the existence of the JKS keystore file.
  4. Create a certificate that is ready to be signed.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the oicclient.csr certificate file.
  5. List the JKS keystore and certificate files in the directory.
  6. Validate your .csr certificate file at the following site.
  7. Provide the .csr certificate file to a signing authority. The certificate and any root and intermediate certificates are signed and returned by the authority. A self-signed certificate can be used for testing, but is not allowed in a production environment.
  8. If you have root and intermediate certificates, perform the following substeps. Otherwise, go to Step 9.
    1. If you have a root certificate, enter the following command to import the signed root certificate.
      Where the following values are entered for this example:
      • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
      • -file is the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt signed root certificate file.
      • -alias is the DigiCertCARoot alias.
    2. If you have an intermediate certificate, enter the following command to import the signed intermediate certificate.
      Where the following values are entered for this example:
      • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
      • -file is the DigiCertGlobalInterCA.crt signed intermediate certificate.
      • -alias is the DigiCertCAInter alias.
  9. If you have only a single certificate, enter the following command to import the signed certificate.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the my_company_signedcert.pem signed certificate.
    • -alias is the oiclient alias.
  10. Check if all the certificates are in the store.
  11. Export the public certificate corresponding to the private identity certificate.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the my_company_signedcert.pem public certificate file.
  12. Import the new keystore (.jks file) into Oracle Integration as an X509 identity certificate.
  13. List the entire contents of the store.

Manage Certificates with openSSL

Commonly used openssl commands are as follows:

Check a certificateopenssl x509 -in certificate_name -text -noout
Get all certificates from a serveropenssl s_client -connect host:ssl_port -showcerts
Convert a DER format certificate to PEM formatopenssl x509 -inform der -in path_to_DER_certificate -out path_to_PEM_certificate
Convert a .pfx file to a JKS store keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore path_to_.pfx_file -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore path_to_the_jks_file -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass pfx_passwd -deststorepass pfx_passwd
Convert a .jks file to PKCS12 format keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore path_to_.jks_file -destkeystore full_path_to_.p12_file-srcstoretype JKS - deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass pkcs12_store_password
Extract a private key from a .pfx file openssl pkcs12 -info -in path_to_.pfx_file -nodes -nocerts -out private_key_file_name
Extract a public certificate from a .pfx file openssl pkcs12 -in path_to_.pfx_file -out path_to_certificate_file -nokeys

Certificate Management - Two-Way SSL or mTLS

See Debugging SSL/TLS Connections.

To upload an identity certificate:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Home > Settings > Certificates.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Set the alias name to the alias listed in the keystore for the identity certificate. (Use keytool -list to see the contents of the keystore.)
  4. Make sure the certificate category is set to Identity.
  5. Upload the client certificate file in JKS format.
  6. Enter the keystore and key passwords used to create the JKS store. If there is a mismatch in the passwords, Oracle Integration cannot access the identity certificates.
  7. Create a new adapter connection (SOAP Adapter or REST Adapter connection) in Oracle Integration.
  8. On the Connections page, select the two-way SSL checkbox and associate the alias required by the connection to use to complete the SSL connection. This alias must match the value that was entered in the Upload Certificate dialog.

To test Mutual TLS authentication (mTLS):

  1. Test access to the endpoint from the browser first. Import the client certificate in .p12 format into the browser of choice.
  2. Enter the endpoint in the browser bar and press Enter. A message is displayed asking you to use the client certificate that was imported.
  3. Follow the prompts in the message. If the certificate is valid, content is loaded in the browser.
  4. If the browser test was successful, test the REST/SOAP adapter connection in Oracle Integration.
Currently Being Moderated

General commands

Openssl Pem To Jks

Convert Pem To Jks Windows

Openssl x509 -inform der -in pathtoDERcertificate-out pathtoPEMcertificate Convert a.pfx file to a JKS store. To convert the PEM-format keys to Java KeyStores: Convert the certificate from PEM to PKCS12, using the following command: openssl pkcs12 -export -out eneCert.pkcs12 -in eneCert.pem. You may ignore the warning message this command issues. Enter and repeat the export password.

You can obtain the client certificate in a variety of ways. Select the method that is best for your environment. For example, you can obtain the certificate directly from many certificate authorities. The steps in this section describe how to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and have it signed by a well known certificate authority.


Inbound (trigger-based) two-way SSL is not supported.

Commonly Used Terms and Tools

Secure socket layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)SSL and TLS, its successor, are protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers.
Digital certificateA data file that holds the cryptographic key provided to an organization or entity by a trusted authority. A simple analogy is a driver's license. The license uniquely identifies the person to whom it is issued. The license is issued by the DMV, a trusted authority.
CertificateA public key and private key form a pair used to encrypt and decrypt data. Public keys can be freely given to anyone who needs to securely exchange data. Private keys must never be shared and must be stored securely. If private keys are listed or compromised, the issuing certificate authority must be notified so they can be added to the certificate revocation list.
Certificate authority (or certification authority)An entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.
Certificate encoding/formats
  • Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): The full specification of PEM is in RFC 7468. PEM is the most commonly-used X509 certificate format. It's a base64-encoded string enclosed between:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER): Binary Format. Cannot be viewed in an editor.
  • Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS): These are a group of public key cryptography standards devised and published by RSA Security LLC. See
TrustStoreA password-protected repository for trust or public certificates. The default location in Java is $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. All well known certificate authority root and intermediate certificates are available in the JDK truststore.
KeystoreA password-protected repository to hold client or private certificates. Since this store holds private keys, it is imperative that the store resides in a secure location.
Certificate chainA certificate chain is an ordered list of certificates ending with the root certificate. For trust to be established, the entire certificate chain is traversed. Each certificate is validated by finding the public key of the next issuing certificate authority or intermediate certificate authority, until the root certificate is reached. Certificate chains are usually cached to validate the certificate locally.
The two most commonly used tools for SSL are the following:
keytoolA JDK utility used to perform CRUD operations on a truststore and keystore and to administer certificates. All the commands require the password that was used to create the store. Consult your Java truststore documentation for the default password.
opensslThis is a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library.

Commands to Create a Client Certificate with the keytool Utility

Commonly used keytool commands are as follows.


Replace the italicized variables in the commands below with values appropriate to your environment.
List the entire contents of the storekeytool -list -keystore path_to_the_keystore
List the contents in the store for a specific aliaskeytool -list -keystore path_to_the_keystore -alias alias_name
View the contents of a certificatekeytool -printcert -v -file name_of_the_file
Export a certificate from the storekeytool -export -alias alias_name -file certificate_name -keystore path_to_the_store
Import a new certificate into the storekeytool -import -trustcacerts -file path_to_the_certificate -alias alias_name -keystore path_to_the_store

To create a client certificate:


Italicized variables indicate placeholder variables for which you must supply particular values. If you copy the commands below, ensure that you replace the variables shown in italics with values appropriate to your environment.
  1. Go to the Java bin directory.
  2. Enter the following command to create a JKS keystore to hold the certificates.
  3. When prompted, change the values provided based on your company's security policy.
  4. Verify the existence of the JKS keystore file.
  5. Create a certificate that is ready to be signed.
  6. List the JKS keystore and certificate files in the directory.
  7. Validate your CSR file at the following site.
  8. Provide the .csr certificate file to a signing authority. A signed certificate and any root and intermediate certificates are signed and returned by the authority. A self-signed certificate can be used for testing, but is not allowed in a production environment.
  9. If you have root and intermediate certificates, perform the following substeps. Otherwise, go to Step 10.
    1. If you have a root certificate, enter the following command to import the signed root certificate.

      The following example is what you see when importing the DigiCert root certificate.

    2. If you have an intermediate certificate, enter the following command to import the signed intermediate certificate.
  10. If you have only a single certificate, enter the following command to import the signed certificate.
  11. Check if all the certificates are in the store.
  12. Export the public certifcate.
  13. Export the public certificate to provide to the server.
  14. Import the new keystore into Oracle Integration as an X509 identity certificate.
  15. List the entire contents of the store.

Example: Create a Client Certificate with the keytool Utility

This section provides an example of how to create a client certificate. It uses actual file names. Replace those names with values appropriate to your environment.

  1. Enter the following command to create a JKS keystore to hold the certificates.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
  2. When prompted, change the values provided based on your company's security policy.
  3. Verify the existence of the JKS keystore file.
  4. Create a certificate that is ready to be signed.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the oicclient.csr certificate file.
  5. List the JKS keystore and certificate files in the directory.
  6. Validate your .csr certificate file at the following site.
  7. Provide the .csr certificate file to a signing authority. The certificate and any root and intermediate certificates are signed and returned by the authority. A self-signed certificate can be used for testing, but is not allowed in a production environment.
  8. If you have root and intermediate certificates, perform the following substeps. Otherwise, go to Step 9.
    1. If you have a root certificate, enter the following command to import the signed root certificate.
      Where the following values are entered for this example:
      • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
      • -file is the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt signed root certificate file.
      • -alias is the DigiCertCARoot alias.
    2. If you have an intermediate certificate, enter the following command to import the signed intermediate certificate.
      Where the following values are entered for this example:
      • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
      • -file is the DigiCertGlobalInterCA.crt signed intermediate certificate.
      • -alias is the DigiCertCAInter alias.
  9. If you have only a single certificate, enter the following command to import the signed certificate.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the my_company_signedcert.pem signed certificate.
    • -alias is the oiclient alias.
  10. Check if all the certificates are in the store.
  11. Export the public certificate corresponding to the private identity certificate.
    Where the following values are entered for this example:
    • -alias is the oicclient keystore alias.
    • -keystore is the identityKeystore.jks keystore file.
    • -file is the my_company_signedcert.pem public certificate file.
  12. Import the new keystore (.jks file) into Oracle Integration as an X509 identity certificate.
  13. List the entire contents of the store.

Manage Certificates with openSSL

Commonly used openssl commands are as follows:

Check a certificateopenssl x509 -in certificate_name -text -noout
Get all certificates from a serveropenssl s_client -connect host:ssl_port -showcerts
Convert a DER format certificate to PEM formatopenssl x509 -inform der -in path_to_DER_certificate -out path_to_PEM_certificate
Convert a .pfx file to a JKS store keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore path_to_.pfx_file -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore path_to_the_jks_file -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass pfx_passwd -deststorepass pfx_passwd
Convert a .jks file to PKCS12 format keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore path_to_.jks_file -destkeystore full_path_to_.p12_file-srcstoretype JKS - deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass pkcs12_store_password
Extract a private key from a .pfx file openssl pkcs12 -info -in path_to_.pfx_file -nodes -nocerts -out private_key_file_name
Extract a public certificate from a .pfx file openssl pkcs12 -in path_to_.pfx_file -out path_to_certificate_file -nokeys

Certificate Management - Two-Way SSL or mTLS

See Debugging SSL/TLS Connections.

To upload an identity certificate:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Home > Settings > Certificates.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Set the alias name to the alias listed in the keystore for the identity certificate. (Use keytool -list to see the contents of the keystore.)
  4. Make sure the certificate category is set to Identity.
  5. Upload the client certificate file in JKS format.
  6. Enter the keystore and key passwords used to create the JKS store. If there is a mismatch in the passwords, Oracle Integration cannot access the identity certificates.
  7. Create a new adapter connection (SOAP Adapter or REST Adapter connection) in Oracle Integration.
  8. On the Connections page, select the two-way SSL checkbox and associate the alias required by the connection to use to complete the SSL connection. This alias must match the value that was entered in the Upload Certificate dialog.

To test Mutual TLS authentication (mTLS):

  1. Test access to the endpoint from the browser first. Import the client certificate in .p12 format into the browser of choice.
  2. Enter the endpoint in the browser bar and press Enter. A message is displayed asking you to use the client certificate that was imported.
  3. Follow the prompts in the message. If the certificate is valid, content is loaded in the browser.
  4. If the browser test was successful, test the REST/SOAP adapter connection in Oracle Integration.
Currently Being Moderated

General commands

1. create JKS keystore

keytool -genkey -alias localhostkey -keystore localhost.keystore -storepass password

-keypass password -dname 'CN=localhost,OU=QE,,L=Brno,C=CZ'

2. convert localhost.keystore to pkcs12

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore localhost.keystore -destkeystore localhost.p12

-srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass password -deststorepass password

3. convert keystore to PEM

openssl pkcs12 -in localhost.p12 -out localhost.pem

4. just private key

openssl pkcs12 -in localhost.p12 -out localhost-privkey.pem -nocerts -nodes

5. pem file with just certificate

openssl pkcs12 -in localhost.p12 -out localhost-cert.pem -clcerts -nokeys

Creating a CA authority certificate and adding it into keystore

openssl.cnf file:

To create a CA key pair:

Convert Pem To Jks Using Keytool

To import in into a keystore:

Creating a multiple hosts (SAN) private key, signing it with CA and storing in keystore/truststore

(Note JDK7 keytool is required to handle extension syntax):

Create Jks From Pem

Creating a key pair:

Creating a certification request:

Sign it:

Import it into keystore:

Creating a signed X509 certificate for usage in browsers

Create a certificate request:

Openssl Pem To Jks

Sign it:

Openssl Convert Pem To Jks

Create X509 in PKCS12 format:

broken image